Friday, April 22, 2005

A Quick Hello

Wow -- so I guess this is the maiden voyage of PontifiKate! I hadn't planned for it to be now, but here I am, so here it is. First, to give credit where credit is due: thanks for the name suggestion, Bess. I tend to speak as though I'm the authority on, well, most things, so I think it's rather fitting. Anyway, just a quick hello, and now goodnight!


At 22/4/05 8:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! Now I have another blog to check. I look forward to your random musings and penetrating observations.


At 22/4/05 11:36 AM, Blogger Kate said...

Ha! Now don’t get those hopes up too high, Bess! I make no promises to be either very thoughtful or interesting... although musing and observing probably aren’t too much to ask. :o)

At 23/4/05 3:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Makes me wonder if I should get my blog going...

That sounds like work and suddenly I became very uninterested.

Just kidding. I'll probably resurrect l'histoire in the near future. I'll let you know.

Sam G.

At 24/4/05 11:05 PM, Blogger Anne said...

I actually went to l'histoire the other day to see if you had resurrected it yet. It would be a lot less work for ME to keep up with your life if you would start blogging regularly, Sam. I don't care if it is more work for you... geez. How can you be so selfish?

At 25/4/05 9:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's l'histoire? Why have I never heard of it?


At 25/4/05 11:14 AM, Blogger Kate said...

Me neither -- well, not exactly. I heard that Sam started a blog once (half by accident?) but that he was waiting to make it public or something. Yeah, so I think that makes two who want to visit your blog-in-hiding, Sam. :o)

At 25/4/05 12:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said... doesn't work unless you take off the final "/"

- a friend

At 25/4/05 1:25 PM, Blogger Kate said...

THANK you! I could NOT figure out why that wasn't working!

Yeah, I'm waiting to "announce" this blog if for no other reason than to get to the point where all of my links work.

At 25/4/05 4:38 PM, Blogger Anne said...

Bess -
Go to

At 25/4/05 11:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found you! mwahaha!

At 26/4/05 12:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said... did I..

At 26/4/05 11:28 AM, Blogger Kate said...

I am discovered! Oh, well. I was only waiting to make things "public" until after graduation so that I wouldn't feel obligated to post. However, I pretty much felt obligated to do so anyway, so...

At 9/5/05 3:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay, Kate's got a blog! Welcome to Blogland... Don't let the pressure get to ya. ; )



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