Tuesday, January 08, 2008

I Really Love You Guys.

No, really, I do!

To explain the unfriendly "This blog is open to invited readers only" which has plagued potential PontifiKate perusers for the past few months, I must divulge my reasons. First, I pulled the plug on it rather suddenly because I reached a point at work when I started to feel uneasy about having this kind of intimate access to what makes Kate G-- tick (I am constantly giving out both my first and last name, and people are resourceful, let me tell ya!). Pontifikate was the first Google hit for my first and last name, and though I took pride in that for a long while, I ended up blocking it as a knee-jerk reaction to a specific case... but didn't erase it completely because I am a self-proclaimed packrat, and my weblog is definitely worth keeping a record of for posterity, right? ;o)

So anyway, please forgive the rude snatching away of my blog, though it's not like I was using it regularly, anyway. I'm not even promising to renew my efforts (I'm very fickle, you know), but wanted to have it available for historical purposes, if nothing else. Ha!

Maybe I'll post a photo album of my card collection as a Welcome-Me-Back post...


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