Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Ah-pee Buh-thdeh Tooo Yoooou, Keht...

Imagine a three-year-old. A three-year-old boy. A French three-year-old boy. Singing "Happy Birthday" in English. OPERATICALLY.


Oh, it's my birthday today. Twenty-six!!


At 28/2/07 10:57 AM, Blogger Anne said...

LOL. Baptiste! What a cutie.

At 28/2/07 8:04 PM, Blogger Karen said...

Happy Birthday, Kate!

At 28/2/07 9:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!

At 1/3/07 2:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday, Kate!


At 1/3/07 11:25 PM, Blogger Lindsey said...

Happy Birthday! I tend to think some ages are better than others, even before I've gotten there. I'm convinced 23 will be way better than 21 and 22, and that the next upcoming good year is 26. So I hope your 26th year is a good one!

At 2/3/07 3:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Imagine two Korean girls singing "A La Claire Fontaine" in French--yes I am teaching my high school vocal class to sing it in French. It is so funny to hear them sing in French!!

At 2/3/07 10:20 AM, Blogger Kate said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes. I, too, tend to have predetermined ideas about an age before I get there. Actually, 24 took me off guard, as it turned out to be one of the "harder" ones because I was officially in my MID-twenties. Likewise, I think 27 might be a little harder (LATE-twenties!). But I like your optimism about 26, Lindsey!


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