Bless Anne and Her Theory
Anne, BHH*, decided one day that listening to the dreams that someone wants to share in their still-foggy state is Important. The commitment not having originated with me, I can't really comment as to whether it was the result of her frustration one day at not being able to have her groggy say, or if she just came to that conclusion through observation and reflection. Either way, I've been thankful for her philosophy more than once.I mention this because yesterday I actually found time for a Sunday nap(!) and woke up to the late afternoon living room chatter of my siblings and father. I had a burden to share my dreams, and, as is often the case, would have been prevented from doing so had Anne not firmly encouraged, "Let's listen to Kate's dream. I think it's important." I shared the part that I considered the most entertaining, but it's just so hard to communicate well when you're still waking up. I got a little frustrated at not being able to articulate myself, but even more so by the growing realization that they were all just humoring me. I probably could have remembered more of the dream, but quit early since circumstances were not ideal. Now I only have the memory of the part I shared with them. The rest of the dream is lost.
Part of my personal burden to share dreams is because I hardly ever get to. I very rarely remember my dreams, and even more rarely are they anything but b o r i n g. I dream things like checking something off my To Do list, or forgetting to close a software program at work. *sigh* This dream was actually interesting -- at least somewhat so.
Just to satisfy what I'm sure is now a nagging curiosity in your minds, what I had was a little dream about time travel. The gist was that I went to a restaurant with Anne after which we had to travel back to the near past. As a part of our recon we decided I needed to go to that same restaurant and ask them a question. I did so, and as I was leaving a waiter asked me if I wanted a table. I smiled and replied that I had just eaten, enjoying the irony that it hadn't actually happened yet. After leaving the restaurant, I further chuckled at myself when I realized that that same waiter was the one who would be serving Past Anne and Past Kate when we entered the restaurant 10 minutes later. Ha. Yeah, only mildly interesting, I know.
So that's that. And in case any of you were wondering, I did post my Card Collection on Flickr. I'll be adding card decks to it from time to time (I have more than 60 in all), so if that kind of thing interests you, you may want to keep track of that set.
*Bless Her Heart
I'm glad I could humor you. I'll always listen to your dreams willingly. :o)
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