What's He From?
I often watch Law & Order episodes over dinner. While it is a good show in its own right, it's also fun for the game of tying the guest stars to other roles they've played. Most of them have extensive filmographies of largely marginal roles, which is the kind of challenge I like!The other night, I saw part of an episode in which the criminal was extremely familiar. No one in the room was any help though. Later the same evening (while I was *cough* watching more TV), we saw a commercial for the new X-Files movie. We commented on how much, um, OLDER the leads look now. "When was that show on the air?" "Wasn't it late 90s?" "It started earlier, though, didn't it?" And the light bulb goes on! I first saw an episode of the X-Files in late gradeschool, when I was too young to not get scared out of my mind by it. :o) I was sleeping over at Sarah W's house and walked through while her dad was watching it, and there was this gross guy lunging out of a sewer - yucko! Years later I saw the episode again and it still gave me the willies. And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is the man who was the criminal on Law & Order that evening. So I looked him up.
Doug Hutchison was indeed the actor I recognized. But as with many such cases I know him from more than just the shows I put together. He was also Horace Goodspeed on "Lost", Percy Wetmore on "The Green Mile" (which I only saw once), and has been on lots of things I've not seen. Unless I've already noticed an actor, I usually can't tie them to more than one other role.
As one not on my wave length might summarize the above: yes, the man has had a healthy acting career thus far. Hey man, just don't rain on my parade.
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