Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Papa Yahnig

My mom’s dad passed away unexpectedly yesterday afternoon. Please pray for the family as we grieve, though we also praise God for the knowledge that he is now enjoying our dear Lord’s presence. The funeral’s in Kentucky and I leave tomorrow.





At 15/11/06 4:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kate, I'm sorry for the loss of your grandfather. I know he was very loved and will be sorely missed. I'm praying for your family this week.

In Christ,

At 16/11/06 11:59 AM, Blogger c said...

we are praying for you guys. Remember that God is sovereign and that He loves you so much more than you can imagine!

At 18/11/06 7:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grieving with you...
Celebrating with him...
Rejoicing he is now with the Lord.

At 5/12/06 11:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Je suis trés triste pour le décès de ton grand-père mais j'espère que vous arrivez tous à surmonter cela et à voir au delà de la vie éternelle.
Je t'aime et je prie pour que tu sèches tes larmes avec ton si joli sourire...

Une francaise.


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