Tuesday, January 03, 2006

With a Glass in One Hand

I had the immense pleasure this year of making my New Year’s resolutions with a glass in one hand. No, it had nothing to do with alcohol. But it had everything to do with Psychiatrist.

Psychiatrist, for those of you who don’t know, is a game, and it was my great delight to introduce it to my host family over the holidays. In it one or more people (the psychiatrists) have to determine the disorder of the group (their patients). The disorder can be any number of things, ranging from everyone thinks they are the person on their left to people wearing jeans are chronic liars. If someone fails to answer in accordance with the disorder, someone calls, “Psychiatrist!” and the group all switches seats.

We played Psychiatrist New Year’s Eve where we lied whenever we held our drinking glasses. We laughed a lot. The fun part, though, was continuing the game after it was over. We could say whatever we wanted, get the desired response, and then raise our glass as if to say, “It’s okay. See?” I particularly enjoyed doing this when the talk turned to New Year’s resolutions. My host dad, champagne in hand, looked at one of his daughters and asked if she wasn’t going to study hard this year, to which she picked up her cup and heartily agreed. I raised my glass and said how much I’m going to read this year. (They know how much I actually avoid reading -- though I love reading in theory.) It felt so good being able to say that, good intentions and all, without feeling obliged to actually keep it (even though I’ll secretly try!).

In other news, school is officially back in session as of today. Let me just say that I love having a job where "the alphabet" is a lesson plan. :o)


At 4/1/06 6:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That game sounds fun! It is a little different than how someone taught me...your way sounds better! Someday maybe we can make a cousin game out of it. Love J


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