Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Eye Doctor

I realized something today: If I say that I’m going to the dentist, someone’s waiting to commiserate with me about how they’ll be asking me a bunch of questions about myself while I’m on my back with my mouth open, etc. Similarly, if I say that I’m going to the doctor, someone’s waiting to joke about how they’ll no doubt make me wait for a long time, scantily clad, in a cold room. But if I say that I’m going to the optometrist… crickets. And because of this hole in the collective knowledge of society, I’m going to demonstrate how I would have commiserated with myself this morning, for I -- that’s right -- had my yearly vision checkup today.

“Oh, you have to go get your eyes checked today? Don’t you just hate it how after they’ve had you cover each eye, etc., do whatever it is with that hot air balloon image, take the flutter peripheral vision test, and get that puff of air in each eye that makes you cry, they make you go wait for the doctor in that “other” room? And they don’t even give you anything to do in there! You don’t have your contacts in, so to you the posters are just blurry drawings of magnified cross-sections of infected eyes with tiny writing you’ve no hope of reading from that uncomfortable chair they instruct you to wait in. Oh, and they make you set your purse across the room so that you have nothing interesting to do where you are. And that blob in the opposite corner past your purse is, of course, the poorly-positioned magazine tray. And while you know that you could always get up and examine any of those things while you wait, you risk them popping in as soon as you do so, and then feeling like they caught you being naughty or something since you were supposed to stay in that darn chair… for twenty minutes. Heh. Yeah, have fun with that.”


At 27/7/06 1:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss you, Kate! I finally found your blog again! My computer was repaired last month and it involved totally replacing the harddrive. And then got to thinking... oh my! I wonder how Kate is doing! God Bless!

At 28/7/06 2:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

at our dentist here they even have a TV on the ceiling for when you lie back in the chair.

At 28/7/06 3:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. I like your new picture there; what a thoughtful pose! I assume that is in France?

At 28/7/06 11:01 AM, Blogger Kate said...

Yep. That's the Amboise Chateau in the background. Anne and I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to take faux glamour shots. :o)

At 28/7/06 11:09 AM, Blogger Lindsey said...

I just cracked up reading this, because I probably sit in that chair for about a good five minutes wavering between whether I should get up and get an outdated magazine, because I know the second I stand up, the doctor WILL walk in. I still think the "Which one is better: 1 or 2? 1 or 2? is sometimes a ploy to see if you lied about what you could/could not see earlier because sometimes? 1,2,3,AND 4 look all the same to me. Good luck!


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